
31 December 2010

Insuran Pesona Lady Maybank Bahagian II

hi..i dont remember when i wrote about this insurance..but last week,my mom call me when the mr.posmen sent the notification from Maybank..alhamdulillah...saya sudah dilindungi berkuatkuasa sekarang..

and recently i noticed that,the Pesona Lady insurance was under eTiQa Insurance...

tak rugi bila kita ada insurance..macam saya,saya pilih "Myself Only".kiranya cover untuk diri sendiri je la...hihiii...berbaloi la kan rm22 once a month..suit for my finance status rite now -_-

the benefits that its cover are accidental health (kematian akibat kemalangan), permanent disability (ketidakupayaan kekal), compassionate cash (tunai ihsan/belas kasihan), female cancers (kanser wanita), maternity complications (komplikasi bersalin), facial reconstructive surgery or dental treatment, compassionate cash due to infertility (belas kasihan akibat ketidaksuburan), hospital confinement allowance per day (elaun kemasukan hospital), medical expenses (perbelanjaan perubatan), skin grafting due to accident and/or burns (pembedahan kulit akibat kemalangan /kelecuran), ambulance fee, kidnap (penculikan), snatch theft (ragut), compassionate cash for domestic violence (tunai ihsan bagi keganasan rumah tangga) dan family prosperity bonus (bonus kemakmuran keluarga).
[rajin ye saya copy sebijik-sebijik..hihi].

and i also have received a nomination form :)
still thinking who's names are they...hihi...and of course one of them is my mom ;)

p/s: home sweet home ;]

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